I know a lot is going on right now for many homeowners. Kids are going back to school, extra expenses, thinking if you want them back into the classrooms or not, and that doesn’t even include your list of things to do around the house. Not to overwhelm Ohio residents with more; however, Upper Arlington Heating & Air wanted to send some positive details below about common myths about your residential furnace.
Myth 1. Turning Your Thermostat Down Further Will Make Your Home Cool off Faster
This may seem like rocket science, “turning your heat down low.” However, turning the thermostat to a lower temperature doesn’t make the air conditioning run faster or harder. What this does is make your system run for a longer time. Please don’t waste your energy; instead, our experts suggest keeping it between 70-72F.
Myth 2. Closing The Vents In Unused Rooms Is A Good Way to Save Energy
I know this sounds like a helpful tip, but it is not. The issue is when you close vents, you change the air pressure and circulation through your home’s HVAC system. A closed vent builds air pressure up in the ducts, which causes more leakage through the duct’s seams. So sometimes, everything that sounds good isn’t. Pro tip: leave those vents open!
Myth 3. The Bigger The Furnace, The Better
This sounds logical to have the biggest system; however, you do not want to buy the biggest HVAC system you can find. The reason is that an oversized system can cause it to turn on and off, and it may start a short cycle. Short cycling can cause problems such as wearing your system faster than its life span.
Myth 4. It Is Normal To Have Cold Feet
If you are still getting cold feet and your furnace is on, this means your system could be blowing heated air unevenly. This can also mean you have problems with your ductwork. Just to be sure, it is best to get an experienced technician to check this out to be sure everything is working smoothly.
Whatever your thoughts on this new coming year, you’re on the right path. Use these commonly known myths to get through this year. And don’t forget to pass this information along to whomever you’ve heard following these myths yearly.
Can you think of other myths you’ve heard about?
Call Upper Arlington Heating & Air today at (614) 490-7507, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here!